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Top tips for avoiding back pain in children

Back to school tips for avoiding back pain in children   Prevention is better than cure!   Children of any age may encounter muscle or joint based pain. Poor postural habits may develop because of  slumping during lessons or sitting hunched over a tablet or...

20 Years of Celebration!!

This month it is 20 years since Stuart and I qualified as osteopaths!   Every day we work with people who have sought out our advice and help. No two days are the same, and whilst there is a lot of fear, worry and sometimes tears when you are working with people...

New General Data Protection Regulations

As you may be aware, from 25th May 2018 there will be new rules in place regarding how we as a business can use patient contact details and how we must take reasonable steps to protect confidential data. With this in mind (we) Bedale Osteopaths have created a Privacy...

National Osteopathy Week (15-22 April)

This week is International Osteopathic Healthcare week  (15th – 22nd April) This campaign is big on social media and online and aims to share key lifestyle messages to help the public, and our patients,  make informed decisions around how they can better look...

How much physical activity should we do?

How much physical activity should we do? We all know we should stay active, but how much is enough and what level of activity is appropriate? The guidelines differ slightly depending on your age, but everyone is advised to do some physical activity every day. This...

Don’t put up with pain…

We recently helped a patient who had come off worse in an argument with a sheep – a very yorkshire problem! This person had put up with pain in their pelvis and leg for two years on and off. They were miserable, fed up with taking painkillers and concerned that...