Yes! We welcome babies and children of all ages and we do have a large disabled toilet which has space to change nappies. Prams can be left just outside reception.
Frequently Asked Questions
For specific questions about acupuncture and massage please see the relevant therapies page.
What should I expect during my first appointment?
Your First Visit
Once you have booked your appointment you will receive an email confirmation and a request to set up your Bedale Osteopaths account. This will let you book, cancel and pay for your treatments online and is also handy if your osteopath needs to send you exercise or advice sheets.
Our receptionist team are working in the mornings/early afternoon so they may not be in reception to greet you if you have a later appointment. Please just take a seat in reception and your practitioner will come and greet you.
Once you are settled and comfortable in the treatment room your osteopath will ask you to give a full account of your symptoms along with information about your lifestyle and general health. They will need to ask detailed questions about your complaint, medical history, and any medication that you may be taking. Please bring along a copy of your prescription if you are on regular medication and details of any scans/x-rays that may be relevant.
Your osteopath will then conduct an examination of the area that is causing problems and other areas that may be related to your condition. It is advisable to wear comfortable stretchy clothing that you can easily move about in. For example a vest top/ leggings/sports shorts/cotton trousers but not jeans.
Depending on the problem area you may be asked to remove some items of clothing. Please let us know if you would not be comfortable removing clothing or if you would like privacy when doing so. Your comfort is our priority.
Your osteopath will want to observe your posture and movements to assess how your whole body relates mechanically to your complaint. They may conduct simple medical tests such as checking your reflexes or taking your blood pressure.
Once your osteopath has fully assessed your condition they will take time to discuss their findings with you and suggest a treatment plan. This will usually include self help advice and exercises. Hands on treatment is usually begun on the first visit but occasionally there are situations when this is not advised and further tests or information is needed. Your osteopath will speak to you about this if necessary.
In some cases osteopathic treatment may not be appropriate for you. If this happens we will discuss this with you and advise you on who you should speak to (for example your GP, or in some cases an alternative practitioner).
Please do not hesitate to ask the Osteopath to stop treatment and explain anything he/she says or does at anytime during your appointment.
There are some commonly used and effective osteopathic techniques which are considered to have a very low risk of serious side effects/consequences. Your Osteopath will advise you of these risks and ask for your verbal consent if the choice of one of these techniques is relevant to your case.
You may experience discomfort for the first 24-48 hours after treatment. Please feel free to ring the practice if you are concerned or worried.
It may take several sessions before your condition is relieved, your Osteopath will discuss this with you.
Your acupuncturist will take your medical history, may read your pulses, examine the site of your symptoms, and look at your tongue. Your individual treatment plan will be based on your health and lifestyle. Your acupuncturist will decide which combination of points is right for your whole body as well as your symptoms.
Sometimes acupuncture needles are inserted for just a second or two, or you may be left to rest for a while before the needles are removed. The needles are so fine that most people don’t feel them being inserted. It is normal to feel a mild tingle or dull ache as your acupuncturist adjusts the needle. Many people feel deeply relaxed during the treatment. If you are particularly averse to the thought of needles, acupressure (where pressure is applied to the points with the fingers or hands) can be used instead.
Treatment may also involve the use of massage, moxibustion (a warming treatment using smouldering herbs) and cupping (where suction cups are applied to the body).
Normally, people will have a course of treatment. Weekly sessions are quite usual to begin with, for perhaps five or six treatments, reducing in frequency as your body responds. Your acupuncturist will suggest how often you should come for treatment.
It is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise immediately after treatment.
If you are receiving treatment from your doctor then it makes sense to tell him or her about your plans to have acupuncture – most GPs are open to the idea of their patients receiving acupuncture. You should always tell your acupuncturist about any medication you are taking as this may affect your response to acupuncture treatment.
More information on Acupuncture can be found here
A confidential case history will be taken, you will be asked about your general health and your expectations of the treatment.
Massages usually require you to remove clothing from the area being treated, please let us know if you would not be comfortable removing clothing or if you would like privacy when doing so. Your comfort is our priority.
After treatment you may like a glass of water before going about your daily business – it is recommended that you try to take things easier for a few hours.
Everyone is unique and all therapies are tailored to your individual needs.
More information on massage, reflexology and Indian head massage can be found here
Bedale Osteopaths Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
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What is your cancellation policy?
Your appointment time is reserved just for you. A late cancellation or missed visit leaves a hole in the therapists’ day that could have been filled by another patient. As such, we require 24 hours notice for any cancellations or changes to your appointment. Patients who provide less than 24 hours notice will be charged a cancellation fee of £15. Patients who miss their appointment or give less than 1 hours notice will be charged the full session fee.
Does osteopathic treatment hurt?
We adapt treatment to suit you. Because you are in pain when you seek our help, some of the areas we touch are likely to be tender but we will work at a level that you are comfortable with.
It is normal for you to feel a little achy and stiff after a treatment, this will usually resolve within 24 to 48 hours after treatment. If it does not settle or you are worried please call to speak to your practitioner.
How many treatments will I need?
This will vary on the nature of your condition.
In most cases just a few treatments plus advice and exercises are enough to resolve the symptoms. 58% of our patients have their problem resolved within 3 visits. 85% within 6 treatments.
If you are suffering from a long term problem it may take longer to notice an improvement. In some cases occasional maintenance treatments may be advised to keep your symptoms at bay.
What should I wear? Do I have to get undressed?
It is useful for us to see the area causing the problem. You can request that your osteopath leaves the room whilst you undress if you are more comfortable with this. If you prefer you can wear a vest top and leggings or shorts as these will normally allow us to see movements and treat without clothing restricting you.
Book nowWho do osteopaths treat?
All age groups, from babies and children to patients in their eighties who want to maximize their fitness. We treat pregnant women, office workers, professionals, health workers, manual workers, the farming community, and sports professionals. Treatment is adapted to the individuals needs.
Bedale Osteopaths Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Book nowDo I need to be referred by my GP?
No, you can choose to see an osteopath without a referral. Most private health insurance policies will cover osteopathic treatment but check your policy before you book as some will require that you are referred to us by your GP.
Osteopathy is currently only available in North Yorkshire if you pay privately. However national guidelines indicate that it should be available everywhere for low back pain. The British Medical Association guidance for GPs states that doctors can safely refer patients to osteopaths, which is promising progress, and we hope that over the next couple of years there will be a move towards more widespread funding for osteopathy and acupuncture on the NHS.
Book nowIs osteopathic treatment safe?
Yes. Our osteopaths are fully trained, experienced practitioners. Most osteopathic techniques consist of gentle stretching, massage and joint movements. We will always work within your comfort level.
We do use some high velocity thrust (clicking) techniques when this is appropriate but only if you are happy with them. There are some thrust techniques (although commonly used and effective) which are considered to have a very low risk or serious side effects/consequences. Your osteopath will advise you of these risks and ask for your verbal consent if the choice of one of these techniques is relevant to your case.
What training & regulation do osteopaths have?
All osteopaths in the UK are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).Osteopaths are required to renew their registration each year with the GOsC and they provide registrants with an annual license to practise. As part of this process, the GOsC checks that osteopaths have current professional indemnity insurance, remain in good health and of good character, and have met mandatory continuing professional development requirements. The General Osteopathic Council have two useful leaflets that can be downloaded here if you need further information on what to expect.
What to expect from your osteopath
Standards of osteopathic care leaflet
Protection of title
The title ‘Osteopath’ is protected by law. It is against the law for anyone to call themselves an osteopath unless they are registered with the GOsC, which sets and promotes high standards of competency, conduct and safety. The GOsC can, and will, prosecute individuals who practise as osteopaths when they are not on the GOsC register.
The British Medical Association guidance for GPs states that doctors can safely refer patients to osteopaths, which is promising progress, and we hope that over the next couple of years there will be a move towards more widespread funding for osteopathy and acupuncture on the NHS.
Book nowIs the clinic wheelchair/disability friendly?
We do have disabled access, however it is not perfect.
The usual entrance to the clinic involves a small ramp to the front door and three steps down into reception. If steps are a problem to you please let us know when you book your appointment as we can arrange for you to access the clinic via the disabled access ramp straight into one of our treatment rooms rather than via the usual entrance. There is also a disabled car parking space directly in front of the entrance.
Is the clinic child friendly?
Can I bring a friend or relative?
Certainly! Your comfort is our priority.
If you require a chaperone but do not have a friend or relative available please let us know in advance and we can arrange to have someone sit in with you during your session.
All under 18’s must have a parent or guardian with them.
If you have a complaint or concern about the level of care you have received from an osteopath or other member of staff please let us know.
Our promise to you is that we shall:
- Treat your complaint seriously.
- Work to resolve your complaint promptly and in confidence.
- Learn lessons and use them to review, and where appropriate, improve our service.
Make your complaint to the practice principal Suzanne Hibberd either in person, by phone, email, or by letter. We will respond promptly and pass on to you our full complaints procedure.
General Data Protection Regulations
Please find below a link to our Privacy Notice
Bedale Osteopaths Privacy Notice
Book nowCan I park at the practice?
For patients that are coming via car please feel free to park in our car park at the rear of the building for the duration of your appointment. Parking in the car park is at your own risk and alternative parking can be found on the high street (disc parking) or in either of the two pay and display car parks.
Our receptionist team are working in the mornings/early afternoon so they may not be in reception to greet you if you have a later appointment. Please just take a seat in reception and your practitioner will come and greet you.
Health and Safety
We have a robust health and safety policy in place that prioritises your safety and well-being. This includes:
- Our staff and practitioners have all undergone training in infection prevention and control and are following strict hygiene guidelines.
- Some practitioners have chosen to continue with masks and if you are in a high risk group we would encourage you to wear one.
Following the Covid-19 pandemic we are aware that some people may have extra requirements. If you or anyone in your household are clinically vulnerable and concerned about the risks of a face to face appointment please let us know as there are extra precautions we can take to minimise the risks of a in person appointment.
Ways to book
The quickest and easiest way to book an appointment is online, or if you would prefer to speak to one of our team please call us on 01677 425858 and we will be happy to help you. Alternatively you can send us an email
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