01677 425858 [email protected]

Stress Awareness During the Lockdown

April is Stress Awareness Month When we are stressed, nervous or excited our Solar Plexus and Adrenals kick into action, you know those ‘butterflies’ in the tummy feeling, it can feel good or bad, we could feel sweaty, sick, start breathing quicker but shallow and we...

Essential maintenance works

The practice will be closed this Friday (20th March) for some essential maintenance works. We will have no electricity for most of the day so we may not be able to pick up your call. If you need to book an appointment you can do so online at www.bedaleosteopaths.co.uk...

Meet the practitioner

Felix Tongue… As an osteopath Felix treats a wide variety of patients, and one of his particular interests is treating patients suffering with neck pain. “Neck pain is one of the most common complaints I see. All too often it is as a result of people spending...

Top 10 tips for a healthy back!

  Top 10 tips for a healthy back   1. Exercise your back regularly – walking, swimming (especially back stroke) and using exercise bikes are all excellent to strengthen your back muscles but anything that you enjoy and helps you keep active will be...

Driving and back pain

Do you suffer from back pain whilst or after driving? If you drive fairly long distances to and from work everyday (driving for over half an hour) or your job specifically involves long hours of driving , you may have experienced back pain; and you wouldn’t be alone....

Cycling related back pain

With cycling becoming an ever increasingly popular pass time we are seeing more and more patients with cycling related back pain. Below is a really useful fact sheet taken from the backcare.org website which explains why you may be getting pain and how you can help...