Car parking update

Car parking is still free to our patients for the duration of your appointment but…

Suffering from Low back pain? Top tips

  – Keep moving, the more active you can be the easier your back will…

Use it or Lose it!

As we get older our joints begin to stiffen  and it appears that the old…

Are you in the office most days?

Many of us have desk based jobs. A lot of the office workers that we…

pregnant and suffering from low back pain?

Osteopathy can offer a drug free way to ease pain during pregnancy. Lower back pain…

Are you uncomfortable at work?

Are you uncomfortable at work? Does sitting at your desk lead to neck and shoulder…

June 14

In the  news…. Almost 31 million days of work were lost last year due to…

Bedale Osteopaths are carers during Back Care Awareness week

Bedale Osteopaths are backing carers during Back Care Awareness Week Back Care Awareness Week (7…

BOA Welcomes Whiplash Recommendations

BOA Welcomes Whiplash Recommendations British Osteopathic Association welcomes Whiplash recommendations The BOA has welcomed publication…

Acupuncture and depression

Acupuncture and depression An article in the daily mail was recently published discussing whether Acupuncture…