Are you suffering from shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain can arise from any of the muscles, joints, or ligaments in the shoulder, neck or upper rib and spinal areas so it is important to know where you should begin in your management of your pain.

Many shoulder problems are due to weak postural muscles or the beginning of arthritic changes.

We can help you to manage shoulder aches and pains and can advise you on whether osteopathic treatment and exercises are appropriate in your case.

When we look at a shoulder problem we assess the neck and upper back movements and look at postures or activities that might be contributing to your pain levels.

Retraining the shoulder muscles to work fully and maintaining your shoulder joint mobility will be key in reducing pain and increasing function.

We are always happy to talk to you about your specific pain or problem prior to booking an appointment, just call or email us and ask to speak to one of the osteopaths.

01677 425858

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder or ‘Adhesive Capsulitis’ is a specific shoulder condition which affects between 2% and 5% of the population. People suffering from a frozen shoulder experience shoulder pain which can at times be severe, extreme shoulder joint stiffness and often discomfort at night. The condition can come on for no apparent reason, and it normally eventually settles but symptoms may last as long as 18 months to 2 years.

We use a specific approach to treating this condition which we find is much more helpful in relieving night pain and stiffness than many other approaches where the shoulder is forced to move or simply left alone.

Suzanne Hibberd and Stuart Bentley have undergone extra training in the Niel-Asher technique, a non invasive way of helping patients with this painful condition. A study at Addenbrooks Hospital showed this technique to have an 85% success rate in reducing pain and increasing movement in this debilitating condition.

In addition to their training Suzanne and Stuart have also been involved in collating evidence for a study which has looked to see if the Addenbrooks results can be reproduced in a clinical setting. This study was reviewed in the Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapies.

For more information on this technique see our information sheet or call us and speak to Stuart or Suzanne.

After suffering with shoulder pain for months I was persuaded by a friend to see Suzanne. I thought I had arthritis, but at my first treatment with Suzanne I was told I had a frozen shoulder. Never heard of it until then. Thanks to Suzanne’s care and wonderous hands I am now pain free and more flexible.

Thank you x

D Laycock

Shoulder and Arm Stretches
Shoulder Rolls

Hold for 20-30 seconds, 2-3 times on each side

Forearm Flexor Stretch (top)
Forearm Stretch - back of the arm (bottom)

Hold for 10-20 seconds on each.

Shoulder Shrugs

Shrug up for 2 seconds, down for 4 seconds, 5-10 reps.

Pectoral Muscle Stretch

Feel the stretch at the front of the chest. You can increase the stretch by breathing deeply. 2-3 reps for 20 seconds.

Shoulder Blade Stretch

Hold for 4-5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Chest and Upper Arm Stretch

2-3 times hold for 20 seconds each time.

Tricep Stretch

Only go as far as you feel comfortable. Feel the pull at the back of your arm, hold for 20 seconds.

These exercises should not be painful. If you are unsure of how to do them speak to your practitioner.

Tel: 01677 425858     [email protected]