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Self Help Tip for Stress
Some advice from Helen our massage therapist…
One way in which we could all help ourselves and each other at the moment that I want to pass on to you is a really simple Reflexology technique we can all use to stimulate a few areas which are coming under fire at the moment.
These can be tried on one another in your household but it is also possible to treat yourself.
In Reflexology we stimulate different areas of the body by massage and thumb or finger pressure to corresponding areas of the feet or hands – in other words we think of the feet being a mirror of the body.
Try these points on the feet or hands to help calm the adrenals and reduce tension.
Use finger or thumb pressure, not too much so that it’s uncomfortable and just hold whilst take a few deep relaxing breaths.
And don’t worry about getting it wrong – you can’t!
Whatever you stimulate, as long as it feels good will be good for your body.
Helen x