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Persistent Pain
By sarahadmin
You might be aware that Suzanne and Anna have an interest in helping people with persistent pain, or put more simply, pain that doesn’t seem to go away or keeps coming back.
The exciting thing is that the science has changed a lot in the past decade or so and we know so much more about pain than we ever have before.
But we know that it can get very confusing and sometimes you can get mixed messages, so we thought we’d tell you a bit about our chronic pain pathway.
🧐 What does the chronic pain pathway involve?
We understand that there are many driving factors in pain, and it is completely unique to each person. During a chronic pain appointment, we will discuss your pain along with things like when it started and how it makes you feel. Once we start to understand your pain, we can help you think about how other parts of your life might be influencing it. This is where an open mind can be really beneficial! These factors might be emotions, past trauma, beliefs, stress…you name it, what we are finding is that list is endless and it’s yours. That’s why we tailor our approach to you, we will pick resources that we feel will benefit you the most, we might give you some things to do at home to bring to the next session and can provide email follow up so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. We will always work at your pace.
🙋♀️ How many sessions will I need?
There is no set answer to this, some people might want a one off, others might feel they need more regular support.
🕰️ How long are the sessions?
We allow slightly longer for our chronic pain sessions, they usually last one hour.
✋ Do you still offer osteopathy?
Absolutely! We still love osteopathy and the relief it can offer. As a part of the chronic pain appointment we might feel that you would benefit from hands on treatment too, other times we might suggest that other strategies might suit you better, this will be discussed in your appointment.
The most important thing you need to know is that we listen to you and all of your story, we take time to understand. So, if you are in pain, are we the right people? YES!