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Keeping fit in winter
As we head into the winter months getting our daily exercise can become more of a challenge. The shorter, wetter, and cooler days can mean that we are spending much more time indoors and this often means that we are more sedentary. Indoor exercise machines are great but not everyone has the space or finances for a peloton bike or treadmill so here are some free ways of keeping up your stamina and strength.
- Any activity is good, getting up and walking up and down stairs a few times will boost circulation and get your heart rate up. Challenge yourself to build up your stamina over a few weeks or months. Start gently and try and get a little quicker or do more repetitions.
- Get a dining room type chair and practice a sit to stand exercise. This is a great way of working the leg and core muscles. Try to do as many sit to stands as you can in a minute. You will feel your legs working and your heart rate elevate as you work, it is a great strengthening exercise and can really be adapted to all levels.
- Marching on the spot is another very safe but effective bit of indoor exercise. Again, set a goal and try to stick to it each day. 1-2 minutes is enough to elevate your heart rate and get you moving.
Whatever your age or activity level you can still keep up your winter health and fitness, you just need to begin at the right level for you.
We are always happy to advise our patients on suitable exercises and activity, so if you need guidance, give us a call.
NB. If you have not exercised for a long while or have ongoing health issues, please take the time to speak to your GP and get some advice about what is right for you. In some cases, they can even prescribe gym membership on the NHS.