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Bedale Osteopaths are backing carers during Back Care Awareness Week
Back Care Awareness Week (7 – 11 October 2013) is focusing on Caring for the Carers and Bedale Osteopaths are supporting local carers by offering free postural and exercise advice and a 20% discount on osteopathy acupuncture and massage for carers in October.
There are around 6.5m unpaid carers in the UK who frequently put the needs of others before their own, sometimes sacrificing their own health and wellbeing. In a recent survey 83% of carers reported that their caring responsibilities had affected their physical health, which includes injuries sustained through manual handling. A report by Carers UK and the University of Leeds calculated that carers’ willingness and ability to provide care saved the NHS and social services around £119bn a year. But a carer’s ability can be compromised if they suffer an injury or develop pain that isn’t treated.
Anyone interested in knowing more should contact us 01677 425858 or download the information sheet on back tips for carers.