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Aromatherapy uses during the lockdown
Aromatherapy uses during the lockdown
Most of us know how Lavender gets a big thumbs up when it comes to its use for relaxation and stress relief and it’s popularity in the form of a bath soak or as a soap or candle.
While we may not be able to pop to the shops and take our pick of the little luxuries we may crave at the moment we need to have a think about the different ways we can source things.
It occurred to me while out in the garden that most of us actually have the real thing – a little clump of fresh lavender.
So why not bring some indoors, tie a small clump together and hang it somewhere you walk past often so that the scent is subtly inhaled on a regular basis.
Lavender has been studied extensively over the years and is thought to calm the nervous system, lower blood pressure and even alters brain waves to help us become more relaxed.
If lavender is not your go-to scent there are others you could try for instance rose, geranium and neroli.
These are all good for helping us deal with anxieties and for helping with bouts of insomnia.
Some oils such as Rosemary, Tea-tree and Eucalyptus have anti-viral properties – though of course we’re not going to suggest that we can get rid of Covid 19 with them – you could be helping out your respiratory system by adding to hot water to inhale or simply putting some onto a tissue or your pillow to take in gently overnight.
If you do decide to invest in any of the oils readily available online please do use a reputable company to ensure you are buying good quality oils.
Finally it’s worth remembering that anything which you enjoy the smell of is sending those feel-good messages to your brain and that is what we all need a little more of at the moment.
Helen x