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‘Active 10’ Campaign
It’s easier than you think to improve your health.
Physical inactivity is a major cause of disease and disability for adults, but a brisk 10 minute walk every day can make a difference to your health. A new Public Health England campaign, Active 10, is encouraging people to steadily increase their exercise each day.
Each 10 minutes of exercise is known as an ‘Active 10’. Brisk walking is one example, but just walking at a faster pace to get your heart pumping, you are taking steps to improve your health. Start with a 10-minute brisk walk every day and then see if you can gradually build up to more.
It’s easier than you’d think to start making small improvements to your health, so why not start today? The active 10 campaign has an app, available on android or iphone, to help you monitor your activity, as well as advice and support at