Are you suffering from back pain?
You are not alone, four out of five Britons will suffer from backache at some time in their lives.
The good news is that 95% of low back pain is “non-specific”. This means that it is NOT due to serious damage or disease and won’t need a scan or x-ray.
For this type of back pain a combined approach of education, exercise and hands on massage, stretching and mobilisation work can really help.
Our osteopaths use soft tissue massage, joint manipulation, stretching and relaxation techniques to help to encourage normal movement and muscle tone in the sore or stiff areas. We look at your posture and examine you as a whole to see if other areas are contributing to your pain. Postural advice and exercises to rehabilitate you are integral to our approach. We want you to learn how to help yourself get better and, where possible, avoid future injury.
We are always happy to talk to you about your specific pain or problem prior to booking an appointment, just call or email us and ask to speak to one of the osteopaths.

I was very impressed from the outset by the detailed assessment undertaken by Felix at my first appointment. At the time I had severe back pain and hip pain so much so that I couldn’t turn over in bed and had difficulty travelling in a car for any distance. The pain made an enormous impact on my quality of sleep, waking several times in the night, so I would wake feeling exhausted. Felix quickly identified the reasons for my pain and got to work on correcting the issues. I saw him on a weekly basis initially and then fortnightly. He reviewed my progress at the beginning of every session and was able to provide helpful advice about exercises I could carry out safely. His treatment made an enormous difference and considerably reduced the pain.
When Felix broke his arm last summer, my treatment was continued by Suzanne. Another marvellous practitioner! Suzanne helped me understand how to manage pain which had developed in my upper back. Again her initial assessment and those following were very thorough. With my permission, Suzanne made a referral to my doctor because she was concerned about the time it was taking to ease my discomfort. As a result I was referred to the MSK clinic at the Friarage which resulted in an MRI. I’m still awaiting the results of my scan.
I have to say that I cannot recommend the practitioners at Bedale Osteopaths highly enough. You are always greeted with a smile by the excellent admin team and you know that the practitioners will listen to you very carefully, make a thorough assessment and do their utmost to ease any pain through excellent treatment programmes.